Thanks to your generosity, and having repaid our presbytery loan in August 2018, our Parish finished the year with a surplus of $78,153.

Our income, $196,748, was substantially from the Second Collection, $171,545. Our expenses, $123,210, were largely General (Insurance, Technology, Utilities, etc) $59,127, Employment/Motor Vehicle, $45,540, Pastoral, $2,960 and Maintenance, $10,870.

A more detailed accounting of our Income and Expenditure is on the Notice Board in the Narthex.

Moving towards 2020, our costs will be higher due to additional Employment/Motor Vehicle costs, Maintenance and budgeting for Pastoral Expenses.

There will be more information shortly on our 10-year maintenance forecast, including repainting our Church, and 30% tax deductibility for envelope and direct debit contribution to the second collection.

Any inquiries please contact Fr Tom.