St Pat’s Parish Novena to St Mary MacKillop

Saturday 31 July to Sunday 8 August

Dear St Pat’s Parishioners,

Sunday, 8 August marks the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop (1842-1909), Australia’s first official saint. A remarkable woman of Faith, Strength and Determination to do good works for others and empower individuals wherever she went.

To celebrate this special day, I invite you and your loved ones to consider joining a Parish-wide Novena of prayer and contemplation in the lead up to her Solemnity on Monday, 8 August. A Novena is an ancient Church tradition of prayer over a continuous nine day period in which we ask for God’s grace and strength for our personal and communal intentions. It’s a great manner of embracing with our St Pat’s parish in prayer and faith, as well as experiencing one of the Church’s oldest prayer traditions.

The links below give us the option of either:
1. joining the daily reflections and meditations online by following this link, or;
2. by saying the Prayer to St Mary MacKillop.

Although we are physically apart, may we take this time to grow in our Faith and see our Faith as a power that unites and strengthens us, as it strengthened St Mary MacKillop in her times of struggle and questioning.

Peace and Joy,

Fr Tom