There are places, times and situations when it seems impossible to pray – Or so we think!

In fact, for we believers in Jesus, everywhere we are, every moment of our day and every situation in which we find ourselves is a place, a time and a situation of prayer.

We sometimes think that we only pray when we “say” prayers. The truth is that, for us, our whole life is a prayer – As believers, by our very lives, we honour God. We also know that we are honoured by God because Jesus became a human being like us. And we also know we are forgiven by God, no matter where, when or how we forget about God. Because we believe this, we are easily able to “say” prayers.

In today’s gospel story the disciples ask Jesus, “teach us to pray”. He teaches them the “Lord’s Prayer”. It goes like this: “Father may your name be holy” (We Honour God)—– “Give us this day our daily bread” (God Honours Us )—- “and forgive our sins” ( We are forgiven by God).

We praise God. We acknowledge God’s gifts. We accept God’s forgiveness. It’s as simple as that. It is the essence of our entire lives. It is the Lord’s Prayer.

Rev Fr Tom Stevens